Regenerative Starter Resources

Worldview Shift: Books

Sand Talk: How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World Tyson Yunkaporta

Climate: A New Story Charles Eisenstein

Braiding Sweetgrass Robin Wall Kimmerer

Spell of the Sensuous David Abram

The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, Charles Eisenstein

People to Follow:

Daniel Christian Wahl

Charles Eisenstein

Carol Sanford

Regenesis Group

Q & Articles

Q. What does it mean to be ‘regenerative’?

A. More than a new piece of jargon
Regenerative is a fundamental shift in thinking and action

Q. What do we really want?

A. For humanity to hold nature sacred again.
Those who care about this earth; be careful what you ask for.

Q. What latest Science holds the greatest promise to answer our crisis?

A. There are other valid ways of knowing.
What might we learn if we stop and listen to the people that hold true wisdom?

Q. What is the scientific consensus on the environment?

A. To see nature as an object to dominate and control
What are the limitations of the kinds of technology available to us within the scientific worldview?

Q. How do we save Nature?

A: Why do you think you are separate from nature?
Let’s examine the story of separation.

Q. How do we fix the climate crisis?

A. This “problem” can’t be solved from our dominant worldview.
Shift from Geomechanical to Living Planet

Q. Is the war on Carbon emissions working?

A. War is a reductionist, fundamentalist viewpoint
Understand the mentality of our “fighting evil” pattern

Q. What about regenerative agriculture and permaculture?

A. Go deeper; see through the worldview that inspired them.
Indigenous peoples speak of our role AS Nature.

Q. Which side should I be on?

A. This is the wrong question.
As with many polarizing issues, it is the hidden assumptions of both sides that are most important.

Q. Why aren’t rational appeals enough to make us change our behavior?

A. We need a revolution of love.

Logic leads to conclusion. Emotion leads to action.

Q. Where do the real solutions lie?

A. Everything real is local.

‘Going local’ is a key strategy for restoring ecological, social and spiritual wellbeing.

Q. Why is Carbon always the focus?
A. We have carbon tunnel vision 

Expand your perspective. Our ecological crisis is way bigger than a single element.

Q. What can I do to help?
A. Find a leverage point
All meaningful change is systemic. A small shift in the right place can change everything.

Q. What is the most effective green technology?
A. Nature itself
Nature-based solutions are vastly more effective than man made techno-solutions.

Q. How do we build a sustainable society?

A. Sustainability is not enough

We need regenerative cultures that grow biocultural abundance for life as a whole.

Q. Where did we lose our way?
A. Reductionist thinking

By reducing the ecological crisis to climate and carbon, we fail to understand the complexity of living systems.

Q. Can we engineer ourselves out of the climate disaster?
A. Engineered solutions often create more problems than they solve. 

What becomes possible when we stop seeing everything as a problem to be solved?

Q. What if Earth is better off without us?
A. False premise. The Earth needs humans.

Humans are a non-expendable keystone species.